June, 2002


    This newsletter is about June. Lots of interesting things happened in the month of June. Daddy fell off a ladder and broke his elbow, school let out for the summer, and Mark and Nick went on their boyscout camp for a week. I'll tell you about school letting out first.   

    I was so happy on the last day of school because I couldn't wait to get home and not have to do anymore school work for the summer. School let out June 4, 02. We also got our report card on the last day of school. I (Jennifer) got all A's and B's. Which I was so happy about and I was on the Honor Rule all 4 times. Mark got straight A's and Nick got all A's and B's. Something else came up too before we were going to go on vacation.

    Dad broke his arm. He was on a ladder when it happened. I saw him fall and I was scared to death about it too! When he fell I was in shock and I didn't move for a moment. Then I ran to the new barn that he was working on when he fell. I asked him if he was O.K.. He said yes as he was walking up to the house holding his elbow like it was hurting him badly. I saw that the ladder was broke! The steps were completely broke off! One side anyways. He broke off the tip of his elbow off. It was gross. At the time daddy and mom went to the hospital and it was sure broken. Me, Mark, and Nick had to stay at grandma and grandpa's house for a while. They said they would do surgery on his elbow and put pins in it to keep it together. Now his arm is doing a lot better.

    Mark and Nick also went on boyscout camp for a week. They stayed at Chief Logan Reservation and did lots of things. They completed 4 marit badges each. The state park is 3 hours away from Greenville. It's in southern Ohio. They stayed in tents and ate in a dinning hall all week. . They both completed basketry, swimming, mammal study, Nick did archery, and Mark did camping. At the archery Nick shot the watermelon first and won it. The also had a family night on Wed. and mom and dad went. I didn't go because I was at my friends house for the night because I didn't really want to go because of the long drive. They ate the watermelon that Nick won for supper. I don' think I could drive 3 hours, then stay there for a couple hours the leave. I probleby fall asleep though. I still had fun a Leslie's. Mark and Nick had fun at camp. I had fun at home too. We had a fun month of June and I hope you did too. I can't wait till school starts. I hope next year will be fun like this year! Bye!

