December, 1999

We did a lot this month. On Christmas Eve at 6:00 p.m. we went bowling with our church at Treaty Lanes in Greenville. I played a game of bowling with Jenny, Elizabeth, Mark W., and Mark my brother. I won the first game we played. When we left we got pizza and went to our grandma and grandpa's house to eat it. When we got home Mark, Jenny, and I opened the presents that we got each other. I got a wallet and pencil lead.Mark got a new wallet too.Jenny got a Mrs. Potato Head and a stable with horses in it. Dad told us we couldn't go downstairs till the sun came up in the morning. On Christmas morning we got a new motorcycle, kitten, Air Hogs, Space shooter, clay, science labs, and lots of other things. On Sunday we went to Aunt Joyce's house for the Christmas party.On Tuesday we went to Dixie and Terry's house for a Christmas party. We got Mario Party, a new controller, electric blankets and lots of other stuff.

By, Nick Howell