April, 2002


Mark and I decided to join the track team. We had practice almost every day we had school. The practices were held at a private plane's landing strip. We would run down to a big windsock and come all the way back which was a total of .7 mi. I tried the high jump, but the first time I jumped and landed on the bar and hurt my back. The second time I tried I cleared the bar. I liked the discis when I tried it with my friend Kevin. No one could practice the long jump because there was no sand in the long jump pit. Neither Mark or I got a place in any event at any of the track meets. I was always in the shot-put, 200 meter dash, and the 400 meter dash.

    We got cows on the 11th. We set up a small fence with small metal post that were not very strong at all. We woke up on a Sunday morning and noticed that the cows were gone. We looked all around our property and did not see any trace of them. Jenny and dad took the truck and looked around the country roads around our house and Grandpa and I looked around also. After an hour we found some cow poop on the road in front of our house. Mark found some tracks in the ditch by the road. We looked and looked and could not find them so we took a break and went home. While we were taking a break mom yelled that she saw them. They were about two thirds of a mile away from our house. We had to chase the cows through the fields which were muddy and had puddles everywhere. My feet were freezing from the water. We finally got them back and penned up when church was over. Late that night the they got out again. We had to do the same thing we did in the morning. We also got twenty five chicks that will replace the old ones.
    Me and Mark had a band concert at Tri-Village High School on the 14th of this month at 1:00 to 3:00 in the afternoon. For the concert we played Liberty March, Air and Allegro, My Heart Will Go On, George of the Jungle, and The Tempest. Only mom went to the concert with me and Mark. Jenny could not go to the concert because she had to stay home and help dad build the new-and-improved super-strong wooden cow fence.    

    We also celebrated Mom's birthday. Mom, Dad, and Jenny went to Red Lobster and got some yummy seafood. Me and Mark ate chicken nuggets because we had to go to Boy Scouts. The next Sunday we celebrated Moms birthday at Grandma's house. Jenny and I played outside most of the time while the rest of the family stayed inside and talked. Later we had cake and ice-cream and mom opened her gifts. We had a wonderful and exciting month of April!
