November, 2000

This month we did allot of stuff. First, we had our first real Dartball league game (Read the September, 2000 newsletter to get up-to-date on this.). We're doing pretty good.


We had a good Thanksgiving break. Our Uncle Roger came to visit. He got here on the day before Thanksgiving at about 12:30 P.M. When he got here, we visited our Great-Grandma Sell. We chatted and had ice cream. Then we left. Then we went to Vint's. It's a food place there in Greenville. Anyway, we ordered chicken and hamburgers and stuff like that. Then we went home. Then we went to bed.

The next day we did some stuff. Dad showed him how one of his programs work. Then we ate (Woo hoo!). We had turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, gravy, salad, pop, and lots of other goodies. Then, at 2:00 P.M., he had to leave for his 9 to 10 hour trip to Kansas so he could make it to work next morning. When everyone left the house, we went ice skating on our pond. We couldn't go out into the middle because we didn't want to sink. That would be a bummer. But it was thick enough for me. I didn't enjoy the fact that it wasn't popping for Nick and Jenny, though. But they aren't 110 pounds though, either.


About 6:00 P.M. our Uncle Scott came to visit. We had left-overs to eat, so we ate them. Then we played Dartball in our barn some, then he had to leave, too.


We've been doing allot of wood-getting for the winter. What for? That's all we heat with in the winter. Wood. Yep. We save $200 a month because we heat with wood. It may be a little work to stack it and stuff, but it's either that or $200, take your pick. Sometimes we cook on our wood burning stove, too.

We usually keep two years worth wood in the shed. That way, if Dad gets injured or relatives can no longer give us wood, we won't freeze next year. Well, we have baseboard heaters, but that's for emergency. Remember, it's an extra $200 a month to use them.


All of the animals are doing well. The dog stays in the barn to stay warm, but if the weather-man says it's going to get to 20 degrees Fahrenheit or below that night, we let him in.


We've been ice-skating on our pond allot. It's fun. If it gets thick enough we might be able to go out into the middle soon. All we get to do so far is skate along the edge. I hope the ice will get thick enough to go out into the middle soon.

The dog doesn't like to go out on the pond. Dad pushed him out onto it and Arby came running (Well, he tried to run, anyway.) back. Silly dog!


Christmas is coming! I think I know what I want. It's called a robot. Maybe not one that looks just like that, but a robot none the less.



Mark Allen Howell