March, 2002


    This month I got my report card.  I got good grades.  I got all A's and B's. I got an A in Spelling, a B in Reading, a B in Math, a B in Language Arts, a B in Social Studies, and an A in Science.

    Mark and Nick went on a YEC (Youth Evangelistic Celebration) trip in Dayton for two days and one night.  The said they had a good time. First they went to the mall and played video games.  Then they got a hotel, and went swimming at the hotel.  They said the swimming pool was tiny. The hotel was Holiday Inn. Then they played Playstation in the hotel rooms. Then they went to a concert at the Nutter Center in Dayton. That is were they have all the hockey games and a lot of other activities. The concert was by FFH. Then they went back to the hotel. They said the hotel stunk because there was hotel managers and they would not let you go to the other rooms or you would get in trouble. They couldn't have devotions or anything!  The next morning they went back to the concert.  After that was over drove back home.

    This month was the month of March, so we had Easter.   I got a solid chocolate bunny and a stuffed pink rabbit with a sweater. From Mommy and Daddy I got a pack of Peeps and a chocolate half-pound solid bunny. This year I colored Easter eggs red, blue, yellow, and green.  I also wrote on them with crayons but I never got to hide them. I colored fourteen eggs.

      I still have my cat Patches and Arby, our other dog. He is the best dog in the world.  He has three legs though because someone shot him in the leg but that does not stop me from loving him though.  Nibbles ( Nick's gerbil) died a few years ago.   I still have my two goldfish that are about three years old now.  Nick still has his ducks. All of them but the one George killed.  We still have our chickens but some of them died. We had an exciting month of March!
