June, 1999

On the 9th, school let out. I was glad school was over. The next week we went to VBS at Beech Grove. On Sunday they had a special night with lots of games and a cotton candy machine.From the 21st to the 25th me and my brother went to kids camp at Seneca Lake,Ohio. On the way there the bus broke down so we had to wait an hour until the bus would start. We had a lot of fun at kids camp. When we got back our grandma and grandpa from Colorado Springs were at our house. They only stayed for an hour though. The next Sunday we went to Ann Arbor, Michigan, because Allen had computer classes.We also went to Mystery Hill. It was weird. Then we played golf. I won. Then we went to get a hotel room. Every day we went swimming (except Sunday).We got free breakfast every morning. On Tuesday we went to Zap Zone Lazer Tag. It was fun. We all had fun on our trip.

Nick Howell