July, 2001


Happy Birthday, Jenny!  Jenny's birthday was the first of July.  She is now 10 years old.  Family came over and helped celebrate.   Jenny got clothes, a Scooby-Doo game, and some other stuff.  I think she enjoyed her birthday.

Sesquicentennial celebration time!  A nearby town called New Madison had a sesquicentennial celebration this year.  In other words, New Madison has existed for 150 years.  They had a few small rides, a flea market that got rained out, and some fireworks for the 4th that almost got rained out.  They also had a parade that our church was going to some VBS stuff in, but when we got there it was postponed until several hours later (they thought it was going to rain).  Then they had a 5k run that weekend.  Dad ran in it.  Also, the Boy Scouts helped pass out water to all the competitors.  Dad didn't do too bad.  He was running somewhere around 7 minute miles.  The guy in 1st did almost 5 1/2 minute miles.  After that door prizes we given out for the runners.  Dad won a $5 gift certificate good at Spanky's, a local food place.

VBS is here!  VBS (Vacation Bible School) was going on this month.  It was a Veggietales theme.  Mom had to make the Bob the Tomato, Larry the Cucumber, and Junior asparagus.  Mom made them at all of Nick's ball games (she got bored just sitting watch a ball go back and forth over a field :).  Nick, Mom, Jenny, and I did the puppets.

Back to work!  For the past couple months I've been working where my dad works.  In June I went in every day to type in a whole bunch of data.  By the end of June that was done so I've been going in three days a week.   I just scan in documents, take out trash, shred paper, type in fax numbers, sweep outside, and put together info packets.  Whenever I get all that done I get go to the storage room (also known as the "computer graveyard") and get machines going.   I've gotten a couple fixed so far.  I make a decent amount, too. For the most part I'm just going to put it in savings.

Trip time!  A church that I used to go to invited me to go on a youth trip with them.  Somebody had signed up to go and paid their fees to go but had to back out at the last minute.  It was to late to refund money because stuff was already paid for.  They had an extra ticket so they called me.  So their I was, driving to Dayton (about an hour away) on a Friday afternoon.  We all got to our hotel and unpacked.  They had a pool and some arcades so we kept busy for a while.  Then at about 6 or 7 we left for so big place where the youth rally was going on.  There were a couple thousand youth there, I think.  First some guy held some praise hymns.  Then somebody got up and talked for a while.  Then it turned into a concert!  A group called Audio Adrenaline was there.  They're a pretty good Christian band.  I liked them.  They did their thing for about an hour or longer.  Then at about ten we went back to the hotel rooms.  We all gathered in one room and talked or watched Indiana Jones on cable until the pizzas arrived.   Then we all talked and had a little devotion thing and then ate the pizza.   Then we all went to our respective rooms and went to bed.  Never said we got sleep, though!  When the tired leaders fell asleep all the leaders that weren't tired and almost all of us youth gathered in one room and goofed off for a couple of hours.   After all, who sleeps when something like that is going on?!  At about 4 AM the leaders said we need to get at least some sleep so went back to our rooms and went to bed.  That morning we got up and went back to the rally and experienced more of what went on the evening before.  A different group performed that morning, though.  It was called Grits.  I had never heard of them before.   They were a rap group.  I don't care for rap so that morning's concert didn't do much for me.  I still had a good time overall so I bought a T-Shirt to remember the trip by.  Then we went to back to the hotel, packed up, and came home.  I really enjoyed the trip. :)
