August, 2000

From the 7th to the 13th Mark and I went to a week long camp for Boy scouts. We slept in tents which there were five people in each tent. Sometimes we went to the pond and went fishing or swimming.The water felt like it was a good temperature. We caught seven large mouth bass in the pond. Then our fishing merit badge consoler fillet all of the fish and we ate them one night for supper. The Boy scouts had to cook their own food and wash all of the dishes. We got to throw hawks and knifes at a hawk block. Some of the nights we played capture the flag in the dark. Some of the days we got to shoot guns, or shoot a bow and arrow. The main project for the troop was to cut down Five trees where we were staying at.

Well to start off for August, it was Marks birthday on the 14th. We had about twenty five people there at our house. We showed them that when you throw a rock into the pond Arby will run and jump into the pond. He likes to try to bite the water splashes. He got a lot of presents from everyone.After he opened his presents we made homemade ice cream with an ice cream maker. Then we ate the ice cream with some cake and it was good

The 20th to the 27th was fair week. Jenny has a silver marten called BB and she took it to the fair to get judged. We were there every day to take care of it. One of the days we got to stay and ride rides all day. I mostly rode the Bumper Cars and Pharaohs Fury the most. We saw some of our friends there. We went and got pizza at the Fair one day.

On the 28th was the first day of school. Jenny is in Fourth grade and she is in Mrs. Chronister class. I'm in sixth grade and in Mrs. Friars class. I am in one of the modulars because the school does not have enough room in the building for us all. Jennifer and I go to the Elementary building. And Mark goes to the High school. Marks in 7th grade and he doesn't really have a home room, He just switches around to different classes. I was kind of glad that school started. It was real easy on the first day of school.

Nick Howell